peer lifecycle chaincode

The peer lifecycle chaincode subcommand allows administrators to use the Fabric chaincode lifecycle to package a chaincode, install it on your peers, approve a chaincode definition for your organization, and then commit the definition to a channel. The chaincode is ready to be used after the definition has been successfully committed to the channel. For more information, visit Chaincode for Operators.

The peer lifecycle chaincode subcommand allows administrators to use the Fabric chaincode lifecycle to package a chaincode, install it on your peers, approve a chaincode definition for your organization, and then commit the definition to a channel. The chaincode is ready to be used after the definition has been successfully committed to the channel. For more information, visit Fabric chaincode lifecycle.

Note: These instructions use the Fabric chaincode lifecycle introduced in the v2.0 release. If you would like to use the old lifecycle to install and instantiate a chaincode, visit the peer chaincode command reference.


The peer lifecycle chaincode command has the following subcommands: