
Audience: Architects, application and smart contract developers

A wallet contains a set of user identities. An application run by a user selects one of these identities when it connects to a channel. Access rights to channel resources, such as the ledger, are determined using this identity in combination with an MSP.

In this topic, we're going to cover:


When an application connects to a network channel such as PaperNet, it selects a user identity to do so, for example ID1. The channel MSPs associate ID1 with a role within a particular organization, and this role will ultimately determine the application's rights over channel resources. For example, ID1 might identify a user as a member of the MagnetoCorp organization who can read and write to the ledger, whereas ID2 might identify an administrator in MagnetoCorp who can add a new organization to a consortium.

wallet.scenario Two users, Isabella and Balaji have wallets containing different identities they can use to connect to different network channels, PaperNet and BondNet.

Consider the example of two users; Isabella from MagnetoCorp and Balaji from DigiBank. Isabella is going to use App 1 to invoke a smart contract in PaperNet and a different smart contract in BondNet. Similarly, Balaji is going to use App 2 to invoke smart contracts, but only in PaperNet. (It's very easy for applications to access multiple networks and multiple smart contracts within them.)

See how:


There are different types of wallets according to where they store their identities:

wallet.types The three different types of wallet storage: File system, In-memory and CouchDB.

Use factory functions provided by the Wallets class to create wallets.

Hardware Security Module

A Hardware Security Module (HSM) is an ultra-secure, tamper-proof device that stores digital identity information, particularly private keys. HSMs can be locally attached to your computer or network accessible. Most HSMs provide the ability to perform on-board encryption with private keys, such that the private keys never leave the HSM.

An HSM can be used with any of the wallet types. In this case the certificate for an identity will be stored in the wallet and the private key will be stored in the HSM.

To enable the use of HSM-managed identities, an IdentityProvider must be configured with the HSM connection information and registered with the wallet. For further details, refer to the Using wallets to manage identities tutorial.


A single wallet can hold multiple identities, each issued by a particular Certificate Authority. Each identity has a standard structure comprising a descriptive label, an X.509 certificate containing a public key, a private key, and some Fabric-specific metadata. Different wallet types map this structure appropriately to their storage mechanism.

wallet.structure A Fabric wallet can hold multiple identities with certificates issued by a different Certificate Authority. Identities comprise certificate, private key and Fabric metadata.

There's a couple of key class methods that make it easy to manage wallets and identities:

const identity: X509Identity = {
    credentials: {
        certificate: certificatePEM,
        privateKey: privateKeyPEM,
    mspId: 'Org1MSP',
    type: 'X.509',
await wallet.put(identityLabel, identity);

See how an identity is created that has metadata Org1MSP, a certificate and a privateKey. See how wallet.put() adds this identity to the wallet with a particular identityLabel.

The Gateway class only requires the mspId and type metadata to be set for an identity -- Org1MSP and X.509 in the above example. It currently uses the MSP ID value to identify particular peers from a connection profile, for example when a specific notification strategy is requested. In the DigiBank gateway file networkConnection.yaml, see how Org1MSP notifications will be associated with peer0.org1.example.com:

    mspid: Org1MSP

      - peer0.org1.example.com

You really don't need to worry about the internal structure of the different wallet types, but if you're interested, navigate to a user identity folder in the commercial paper sample:


You can examine these files, but as discussed, it's easier to use the SDK to manipulate these data.


The different wallet types all implement a common Wallet interface which provides a standard set of APIs to manage identities. It means that applications can be made independent of the underlying wallet storage mechanism; for example, File system and HSM wallets are handled in a very similar way.

wallet.operations Wallets follow a lifecycle: they can be created or opened, and identities can be read, added and deleted.

An application can use a wallet according to a simple lifecycle. Wallets can be opened or created, and subsequently identities can be added, updated, read and deleted. Spend a little time on the different Wallet methods in the JSDoc to see how they work; the commercial paper tutorial provides a nice example in addToWallet.js:

const wallet = await Wallets.newFileSystemWallet('../identity/user/isabella/wallet');

const cert = fs.readFileSync(path.join(credPath, '.../User1@org1.example.com-cert.pem')).toString();
const key = fs.readFileSync(path.join(credPath, '.../_sk')).toString();

const identityLabel = 'User1@org1.example.com';
const identity = {
    credentials: {
        certificate: cert,
        privateKey: key,
    mspId: 'Org1MSP',
    type: 'X.509',

await wallet.put(identityLabel, identity);

Notice how:

That's everything you need to know about wallets. You've seen how they hold identities that are used by applications on behalf of users to access Fabric network resources. There are different types of wallets available depending on your application and security needs, and a simple set of APIs to help applications manage wallets and the identities within them.