Example Usage

peer lifecycle chaincode package example

A chaincode needs to be packaged before it can be installed on your peers. This example uses the peer lifecycle chaincode package command to package a Go chaincode.

peer lifecycle chaincode install example

After the chaincode is packaged, you can use the peer chaincode install command to install the chaincode on your peers.

peer lifecycle chaincode queryinstalled example

You need to use the chaincode package identifier to approve a chaincode definition for your organization. You can find the package ID for the chaincodes you have installed by using the peer lifecycle chaincode queryinstalled command:

peer lifecycle chaincode queryinstalled --peerAddresses peer0.org1.example.com:7051

A successful command will return the package ID associated with the package label.

Get installed chaincodes on peer:
Package ID: myccv1:a7ca45a7cc85f1d89c905b775920361ed089a364e12a9b6d55ba75c965ddd6a9, Label: myccv1

peer lifecycle chaincode getinstalledpackage example

You can retrieve an installed chaincode package from a peer using the peer lifecycle chaincode getinstalledpackage command. Use the package identifier returned by queryinstalled.

peer lifecycle chaincode getinstalledpackage --package-id myccv1:a7ca45a7cc85f1d89c905b775920361ed089a364e12a9b6d55ba75c965ddd6a9 --output-directory /tmp --peerAddresses peer0.org1.example.com:7051

peer lifecycle chaincode approveformyorg example

Once the chaincode package has been installed on your peers, you can approve a chaincode definition for your organization. The chaincode definition includes the important parameters of chaincode governance, including the chaincode name, version and the endorsement policy.

Here is an example of the peer lifecycle chaincode approveformyorg command, which approves the definition of a chaincode named mycc at version 1.0 on channel mychannel.

peer lifecycle chaincode queryapproved example

You can query an organization's approved chaincode definition by using the peer lifecycle chaincode queryapproved command. You can use this command to see the details (including package ID) of approved chaincode definitions.

peer lifecycle chaincode checkcommitreadiness example

You can check whether a chaincode definition is ready to be committed using the peer lifecycle chaincode checkcommitreadiness command, which will return successfully if a subsequent commit of the definition is expected to succeed. It also outputs which organizations have approved the chaincode definition. If an organization has approved the chaincode definition specified in the command, the command will return a value of true. You can use this command to learn whether enough channel members have approved a chaincode definition to meet the /Channel/Application/Endorsement policy (a majority by default) before the definition can be committed to a channel.

peer lifecycle chaincode commit example

Once a sufficient number of organizations approve a chaincode definition for their organizations (a majority by default), one organization can commit the definition the channel using the peer lifecycle chaincode commit command:

peer lifecycle chaincode querycommitted example

You can query the chaincode definitions that have been committed to a channel by using the peer lifecycle chaincode querycommitted command. You can use this command to query the current definition sequence number before upgrading a chaincode.

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